Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse - Energy Forecast

On March 23, we will experience a penumbral lunar eclipse.

A penumbral eclipse occurs when the moon only enters the penumbra area of the Earth's shadow. This type of eclipse causes the moon to only darken slightly when viewed from Earth. However, this doesn't take away from the impact it will have on us energetically.

The lunar eclipse is a great time to illuminate ourselves from within.

A lunar eclipse gives us time to be introspective, and to look a bit more closely at the way we are choosing to express our emotions. It gives us the opportunity to look within ourselves, and to release the blocks we've been carrying that have weighed us down.

This eclipse will serve as the third major energetic upgrade we will receive in March.

The key right now is to continue being gentle with ourselves, and to align with what brings us joy and fulfillment. If we focus on what's not working in our lives, we magnify them, and manifest more of those things into our lives.

By being kind, loving, and gentle with ourselves, it becomes much easier to focus on the blessings in our lives, and in doing so, we can expand into creating more of them.

We will leave March completely different from when we entered it.


Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Equinox - Energy Forecast

On March 20/21, we will receive an energetic upgrade with the equinox.

The spring equinox signifies that days are getting longer, while the autumn equinox represents the days getting shorter.

During an equinox, the length of day and night become equal. This reminds us to look within ourselves, to create balance between our own inner Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Self.

The equinox is also a time of renewal and new beginnings. This is an excellent time to focus on what we are grateful for, while also moving forward with fresh pep in our step.

An equinox is an excellent time to:

  • Simplify our living space/environment, so that we are able to release many of the things we haven’t been using. The general principle I follow is: If I haven’t used it in the past year, it can now find a loving new home with someone who will truly benefit from receiving it.
  • Try something new that feels to be out of our comfort zone.
  • Switch up our routine every few days over the next few months, to keep ourselves open, fresh, and available to the opportunities presenting themselves to us.
  • Begin a new class or spiritual practice, to reconnect ourselves with our true nature of love.
  • Forgive any and all people, places, and experiences in our lives that still trigger us emotionally in any way.
  • Create a balance between our Divine Feminine aspect (our creative, nurturing, playful side) and Divine Masculine aspect (our passionate, action-oriented, motivated side).
  • Begin a new project or creative venture that feels to be aligned with our heart’s desires.

If any of these suggestions feel expansive and joyous to you, know that it’s a confirmation that it may be time for you to integrate them into your life, so that you can make room for fresh new blessings that are aligned with your heart’s desires.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

I Love You, Gramma

  I don't even know where to begin or what to say. My gramma, the one who held me as a baby, helped me as child, and encouraged me as an adult, peacefully passed away yesterday. You know, I always prided myself in being a very emotionally and mentally strong person, but this has just torn my heart to pieces. I went to her room, brought her some food the night before she passed and said goodnight like any other night. I only wish I had held onto her and never let go. I wasn't ready for this at all and I'll be the first to admit I don't know how to handle myself.

  I came home everyday and watched her struggle to get through another day as her health got worse and worse. She didn't deserve that. But she was strong. She always made time for us, always managed to smile through her pain. She was my living inspiration that I could literally get through anything, because she managed to get through everything. Ever since I was little, she always told me to follow my dreams. As I grew up, she always believed in me even when I doubted myself. But you know what? She's no longer in pain. She's no longer struggling just to get out of bed.

  Something my boyfriend mentioned to me, in scientific terms, he reminded me of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change form.

Gramma's energy has not been destroyed. Her body does not live anymore, but her spirit does.
Even her body will be beautifully recycled and her carbon will be redispursed through the ground, the plants, the atmosphere. Gramma will literally always be here. She'll be in the air I breathe, the wind I feel, a tree I see. And she'll always and forever live on in my heart.

  No, I don't think it's fair that she won't be there to see me graduate. I won't be able to hug her at my wedding. Just sitting downstairs alone, the silence of not hearing her oxygen machine tears me apart. But she's still here. She believed in me, and I'll continue that by believing in myself. I want to be strong just like her. I want to take whatever life gives me and still manage a smile, just like she did. I know she'll be smiling down. I want to become the woman she knew I could be.

   I miss you Gramma. I will always remember our times together. I'll miss setting up my hookah outside and laughing at the stories you'd tell me as you joined me. I love, and forever will love you. And I will always feel you in the nature around me, and keep you in the soul inside me.

Monday, September 22, 2014

One Day At a Time

    If I have learned anything in the past 21 years, it's that time tends to go by faster the older you get. But scientifically speaking, time is still time. It doesn't speed up and it certainly doesn't slow down. We are all given 24 hours in a day, and each hour is precious. 
    The older I've gotten, the busier life gets, the more involved I am in the world around me, and sometimes it seems there isn't enough hours in the day. I find myself often getting stressed and sometimes depressed because of the work load in front of me. I think about the future often, sometimes I'm confident and sometimes I look on it with fear of what it will bring. Some days I wake up on "the right side of the bed", but other days my mind wanders and I have no motivation to get things done. I talk to friends and the people around me and I realize I'm not alone in my feelings, but it seems that everyone struggles with "getting through the day", some more than others. Why is that? Why can't life just be good feelings and happy vibes all the time?

    The cold hard fact is this: life IS hard. We all have our separate stressful responsibilities and problems that require our time and energy. There will always be suffering, pain, and fear in the world. We are not alone. But the other fact is: no matter how much we stress, no matter how much we want to give up, the stress and suffering is not going to go away. Negative and positive energies will always be at odds against eachother, but we have a choice which we allow to affect us.
    We hear the news, we see death and suffering all over. The fact is that life really is short. The average American lifespan is between 70-84 years. Then it's over. No more. We're not invincible, we do not live forever. That's 70-84 years of problems, pain, and stress. You can't avoid it. But that's also 70-84 years of good memories, new experiences, and happy feelings we can chose to indulge. 

    Did you wake up this morning? You were just given another day. Another precious lapse of time that you will never get back. What are you going to do with that? Sure, you're going to go to work, to school, interact with people, or maybe stay at home and take care of your family. Your responsibilities are still there, the pain of a stressful situation is still there, but the possibilities of your happiness are endless. Everyday you're faced with negative energy that can bring you down, feeling hopeless if you allow it to take over. But are you going to let it? You don't have to. Is that negative energy strong and overpowering? Face your day with determination and positive energy that is stronger than your negative circumstances. You are not your problems. You are who you chose to be.
     I understand. I have battled depression. I am stressed with everything before me. But if I chose to let these negative influences rule my life, my life will be drudging through day after day. My problems will still be there if I linger on them. They will still be there if I chose not to let them effect my mood. I don't know about you, but I don't want to get to the end of my life and see that I've done nothing except worry and stress over the things that are beyond my control. 
    My health is beyond my control. Wars and world problems are beyond my control. At the end of my life, these things will still be there. The difference is what I chose to do with each day that I've been blessed with. All life is is one day after another. I can stress over situations I cannot change or I can find things to be thankful for, things that give me a reason to life a long, full life of happiness and fulfillment. I may not solve world peace or make a huge world-changing discovery, but I can ensure that I have done what I can to enjoy the few days I have on this Earth. I can spread my positive energy to the world and people around me. I can look back on my life with satisfaction knowing that I savored each moment and fought the negative energy that tried to pull me down.

    What are you doing today? Do you realize you're not guaranteed to wake up tomorrow? You have today. There's sadness and suffering all around. Are you going to dwell in it and throw in the towel of hope? Live each day as your last, cherish each moment.